
California Municipal Utilities Association

CMUA is the voice of community-owned water, wastewater, and power. CMUA represents 83 publicly owned electric utilities, water agencies, and gas and oil services statewide. Together, CMUA members provide water service to 75 percent of Californians and electric service to 25 percent of the state.

California African American Water Education Foundation

CAAWEF is a statewide, non-profit water education organization. Its mission is to catalyze deeper investments into the water systems that serve, employ and conduct business with Black Californians. CAAWEF accomplishes this by helping public officials understand the impacts of public policy decisions on California’s African American water ratepayers.

Water Education for Latino Leaders

WELL educates and trains local Latino elected officials about California water policy to promote timely and equitable actions that serve to develop a robust economy, healthy communities, and a resilient environment for all Californians.

Jewish Vocational Services

JVS is a nonprofit working to close opportunity gaps in employment by supporting jobseekers with the skills and confidence to secure quality careers with family-sustaining wages. JVS invests in skills training, employer engagement, and systems-level change across California to promote access to quality jobs and economic mobility.


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